Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 9pm
Hospitals and Clinics
With its experts' team, MAIDIS ensures the integration of each module used in the information system of its customers, offering a solution tailored to the needs and priorities of any healthcare facility.
MAIDIS finds it important to cooperate with the customer and with other partners, to ensure the deployment of the best solution in the best conditions for each project.
CYNARA meets the needs of healthcare facilities through a global and modular approach covering all their needs:
- Administrative and patient management identity management, admission management and administrative record.
- Patient record: medical record, nursing care record, PACS, LIS, LAP, pharmacy, operating theatre management, bed management, emergency file, traceability...
- Economic and financial management: billing, accounting, purchasing, stock management
- Human Resources time and activities management, salary, staff management.

- Master Patient Index: CYNARA includes a module to manage the patient's identity and all administrative information necessary for his care in one or several hospitals.
- Admissions, stays and movement (ADT): CYNARA includes an Admission, Discharge, Transfer module that allows patient tracking and movement.
- Invoicing: CYNARA completely covers the invoicing process between the client, the healthcare facility and the bodies providing social security coverage.

- Medicine: Drug prescription management based on the database market (secure order) - protocols management, standard dosage…
- The doctor has access to treatment recommendations and decision trees which display through one image most of the therapeutic approach described in official documents with, for each treatment quoted, the list of the corresponding drugs. The drug prescription is based on the Vidal database to indicate in real time any contra-indications, allergies or precautions to be considered.
- Chemotherapy: Specific chemotherapy module based on the Vidal VMP.
- Laboratory: Biology prescription with a redundancy check
- Radiology: Cynara enables one to follow in real-time the technical platforms activity, from the doctor's orders to the final result (imaging and reporting). To this end, Cynara offers a worklist composed of the requirements of radiological exams and accessible to the different actors according to their profiles, access rights and work units. The RIS and PACS integrated in the Cynara solution ensure a reliable monitoring of radiological examinations and provide immediate access and quality to images and reports produced.
- PSL: PSL’s prescription management with AFNOR communication and the CTS. This requirement is based on the patient's transfusional record.
- Care: Cynara offers tools adapted to any kind of care and care givers profile.
These tools enable the prescription of all kinds of drugs, tests, supervision, medical devices, or using more sophisticated protocols.
The corresponding actions (administration, collection, preparations ...) are automatically available to healthcare professionals involved and each action is included in real time in the patient record.
- Care planning: The features covering the nurses activity include:
- In-patient summary display with intuitive shortcuts on all the nurses tools, focused on a single patient.
- Interactive management (preparation, validation, reporting) of the nursing responsibility, including patient care, medication administration, ...
- Assessment tools (Virginia Henderson)
- Nurses’ communications
- Targeted transmission: CYNARA integrates a nursing transmissions module allowing the data entry of simple transmissions (free text) and targeted transmissions.
- Any transmission is dated, signed and each entry is identified and traced. Nurses can list the transmissions of a patient or a group of patients as an ante-chronological list. In the case of targeted transmissions, CYNARA presents in a synthetic way the target, data, actions and results first, and resolution status and the closing date if necessary.
- The data entry of targeted communications is simple thanks to various possibilities of help online integrating "NANDA" (Nursing diagnoses), "NIC" (Nursing Interventions Classification) and "NOC" ( Nursing Outcomes Classification). A data entry of a target, data, action or result leads to appropriate proposals and to preferences and habits of the user input.
- The monitoring of the transmission enables one to know all the data entries, the level of achievement of the target, and if necessary the conclusion of the transmission.
- Questionnaire: Cynara offers forms designed specifically for the nursing activity: Nursing care, basic needs (Virginia Henderson), etc..
Cynara also offers the whole creating and setting functionnalities of the forms design for the medical record. - Type of frame: Cynara enables one to identify pathologies or classic use cases and to suggest data entry, supervision and features specifically tailored to these situations. The identification and enrichment of these typical scenarios and the consultation of typical existing scenarios are offered to any authorized user.
- Care summary: Cynara offers an input of nursing care summaries, summarizing all care, diagnosis and interventions reported in the nursing record. The follow-up of this summary and its indexing to the patient record are provided, the completeness of the care summaries can be checked.
- Clinical observations: Cynara offers a data entry of clinical observations combining flexibility of free text input and user-friendlyness provided by multiple possibilities of online help and customization.
The data entry tool is fully adapted to the context of use and user profile: it is possible to use data entry tools for clinical observation provided in standard by Cynara, to adapt these tools by customizing input boxes and their behavior, or to design specific data entry boxes. - The environment is designed so that relevant information is immediately visible. Their selection, among all information known from the patient record, is based on personalized information considered as significant by specialty and contexts of use (consultation, surgery, etc. ...) and taking into account the normal and notions of importance.
The clinical data entries are restored in the patient's medical record.
- Documents management: The mails and reports generation enables one to generate various documents, integrating:
- Any information from the patient records, forms
- Any information concerning the patient's movement in the facility and his care
- Terms derived from conditions and calculations
- The dictation may or may not be used with or without voice recognition.
- The documents are drawn and signed, and may, depending on the setting, need a validation cycle.

Cynara :
offers a fully integrated DRG solution ensuring the completeness and effectiveness of encoding. Users enter data through the various tools available and benefit from the whole functionalities and coding assistance tailored to their activity.
The DIM has a screen allowing the creation of data files grouped and ungrouped for the authority, and the access to all regulatory applications provided by ATIH.
All these features enable one to ensure the quality and completeness of encoding. -
For OLS units, Cynara offers the data entry of the activity whether for hospitalization or just days or sessions. The acts performed by other wards are automatically transferred and taken into account. The encoding is controlled and assisted by tools to optimize the data entry.
The Medical Information Department can check the quality and completeness of the data entry of the activity by service, and set warning messages and tests to its convenience, whenever he needs to. -
For SSR units, Cynara creates automatically a weekly summary, and the user can navigate between the HHR obtained.
The addiction can be entered in the patient record or HHR screen as well as CDARR coded rehabilitations acts (with all the coding tools of Cynara). A chart displays the follow-up of the evolution of the dependence. SSR tab content -
For psychiatric units with in-patients or incomplete hospitalization, Cynara enables the creation of sequences corresponding to the successive care. The addiction can be entered in the patient record or in the RPS screen and a monitoring diagram of the evolution is displayed.
For out-patient psychiatric units, Cynara creates automatically the APR corresponding to the procedures entered and combines clearly the whole information related to the wards and physicians involved.
Cynara also incorporates the data entry and the export of additional data for the Promotion of the Activity in Psychiatry. -
For HAD units, Cynara offers in a single screen the appropriated formation of sequences and sub-sequences.
The dependence and the Karnofsky score can be entered in the patient record or HPSR screen.
A help online about coding care is available.
Cynara integrates all the operative process in its solution, both for the preparation and monitoring in real time, and for the reports and follow-up generated.
Regarding the pre-operative, a fine consideration of all resources involved, whether it is practitioners, facilities, equipment, consumables, blood products and medical devices is necessary to make an appointment. The user also has the ability to associate a specific form to a planned intervention which entry can be made compulsory.
The intervention planning of the day and the optimizing of the use of operating theatres of the operation ward is also integrated, any re-planning takes into account all constraints parameterized for intervention. - Post-op: Cynara offers a post-operative solution allowing the monitoring management and specific constraints in this phase, and secondly the upturn of relevant medical information to the patient medical record.
- Pharmacy: Management of the analysis of the prescription until the dispensation of drug whether it is nominative or globalized. Specific management for narcotics, antibiotics, MDS, off TAA products ... Deported cabinet. Conection to automatons …
Operating Theater:
Cynara integrates a specific and real-time management of the operating theatres occupancy: powered by the interventions planning, this tool enables one to optimize the available operating theatres and their use, and to manage the potential delays. It can be used whether on a touch screen or on a traditional workstation.
Any change takes into account the constraints linked to the operations concerned, and generates warning messages to users affected.
The operating theatre tool also enables one to manage the way each intervention is carried out in the operating theatre and the display of monitoring information.
Cynara relies on Business Objects and SQL Reports to provide dashboards to measure and to quantify the activity of a facility, service or practitioner.
These dashboards combine administrative and invoicing data with medical data to describe the activity.
The Maidis offer includes the following services:

MAIDIS offers to its medical software users a catalogue of training courses that allow them to have better control of the software and to improve their daily work comfort.
We answer your technical emergencies by phone, you have a direct line with our teams.
User's Community
By joining the MAIDIS User's Community, our customers benefit from a closer relationship to exchange information about the use of our software.
Project Managment
The project management teams manage the details of a multi-site technology deployment on a large scale.
Customized medical record

Strong tools integrations

Data export/import

Interfiles synchronization

Communication between town and hospitals/clinics

Data structuration

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