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Healthcare Centers

The management of a Healthcare Center is different from a private practice. The data covered by the computerized Medical Record cover a wide spectrum.
- The record enables one to manage, in addition to the medical information and "medico-social" information related to the patients, information related to preventive and educative care.
The patient care path is very important . - Profile management and rights are important aspects in the management of a Healthcare Center.
- The concept of delegation must allow secretaries to relieve physicians of a part of their tasks.
- The procedure management (possibly multi-performers) must be user-friendly, both at the planning management level and in the regulatory (quotation) and accounting levels.
- The procedure life cycle (prescription, planning, implementation, invoicing) should be managed in the software.
- The Nurse record takes into account the preventive, curative, and educational care.
- Healthcare Centers take preventive and medico-social health measures. These operations are the subject of financing agreements with various schemes. This involves a monitoring and reporting of these actions.
- The "Patient ID" module: it enables the creation and management of the administrative patient record. The schedule allows doctors and paramedical staff to manage the appointments. The schedule of several people can be managed by the secretary which includes different kinds of appointments: consultations, private appointments, appointment slots.
- The patient record: it is composed of three tabs. The first tab provides a summary of the record, the second tab, called medical monitoring, contains all the essential medical information: pregnancy, blood type, intolerances, chronic treatments, risk factors, gynecological care for women, as well as biometric information (height, weight, body surface) and the third tab, called medical history, contains the pathological and surgical history of the patient and the family medical history.
- The Consultation module: it allows the description of a complete medical examination thanks to the MSODA5 model and organized to follow up the patient problems.
- The patient history module: it enables one to present and structure the patient medical history, with chronological organization or according to health problems.
- The alerts follow-up module: it allows the programming of warning messages indicating the completion of an event: patient to review, vaccine to repeat, etc.
- The Forms developement module: it allows one to parameter the display of the medical records based on the specific needs of each user and to create protocols or specific questionnaires of consultation for various specialties.
- The FSE module: developed by MAIDIS and certified by the CNDA since January 99, in compliance with the 1.40 CS version of the specifications and compatible with the sending of the following electronic invoices: RSS, Liberalis, Wanadoo Santé, FSE-PRO, not secure internet.
- The concept of patient care path, essential in the management of a healthcare centre, underlines several aspects:
- Traceability: each center has, with MAIDIS Healthcare Centers, a set of modules that allows one to know, for a particular patient or all patients, what has been done or remains to be done in the care process of this patient.
- Sharing: actors in the process of the patient are from different backgrounds: administrative, medical, paramedical. Everyone has access to the environment (screens, tools) customized to his profession to enable him to manage the process to which he is assigned.
- The data model of the MAIDINA platform is centered on the patient, and uses the concepts defined in the HISA European standard (Healthcare Information System Architecture): Healthcare Professionals, patients, contacts and care periods.
- Medical data are managed according to the principles defined in the EHRC European standard (Electronic Healthcare Record Communication).
- The data model allows one to follow-up the patient health problems, and care periods. All medical data collected about the patient are identified using the "MSODA" approach (Motive, Subjective, Objective, Discussion, Action).
Terms of specialties, this offer comes in:
- MAIDIS Nurses
- for nurses
- MAIDIS Physio
- for physiotherapists
- for GPs
- for cardiologists
- for lung specialists
- for ear, nose and throat specialists
- for neurologists
- for pediatricians
- for gynecologists
- for urologists
- for psychiatrists
- for allergists
- for dentists
Till management: Depending on the configuration of the Healthcare Center, it is possible to manage a single cash box which will address several secretaries or assistants, or to determine that each person who may collect or disburse money, will have a cash box.
The responsible for cash control also has tools to handle cash or checks (with the management of deferred deposit) to the bank.
Each financial movement is traced (notification of the user behind the operation), providing the centre manager a cash control. - With a complete setup of the chart of accounts, schedules and entries guides, the expense entry is done intuitively. Several tools are available to enable the manager to monitor closely the accounting evolution.
- Banking connection: This module allows one to take in care the chart of accounts of the Center (public or private accounting, fully customizable).
The functions offered, once the parameters are set up, are those needed to monitor the clinical accounting:
- Record entry
- View / print entries
- Capital
- Banking follow-up
- Balance, Ledger
- Accounting exercises
- Closed book
Confidentiality: recognizing the need to preserve the confidentiality of medical data, the company has included in the MAIDIS software platform some protection mechanisms that guarantee confidentiality:
- Any information about individuals is encrypted using a SCSSI algorithm
- All files related to the patient records (letters, certificates, photos, etc..) are also encrypted
- Each patient record and within each record, all entities composed of medical data (consultations, doctor's prescriptions, letters, etc..) are protected by an access key.
- Data tracking: to avoid potential medicolegal conflicts, all successive versions of objects composed of medical data (history, consultations, doctor orders, etc..) are stored in the database, with an indication of the author and an update date.
- Encryption: the "*CNIL" recommends medical information to be completely separated from personal data, preventing association between the two. In the MAIDIS software, this separation is accomplished by encrypting all personal information. Thus, any direct access to the database, if it bypasses the management mechanisms of access rights, leads to failure. *"CNIL" National Agency regulating Data protection
This synchronization feature is useful in various situations:
- Records' synchronization between remote sites that could host a (or several) same patient (s)
- Updates by roaming users from mobile material: laptops or "PC tablet". The information collected during a visit is entered in the medical record.
MAIDIS software are inherently interconnected. Their high level of structuring data and their architecture predispose them to communicate with other software. All the more, they are able to communicate together.
According to the need, the engineering controls implemented will be adapted:
- To an occasional or periodic transfer, it can be an email
- For a stronger synchronization frequency, the application can rely on the network (public or private).
The tool allows planning and automating these transfers which deal with data defined from the begining (transfer configuration).
The data transferred can be medical or administrative ones. They can be encrypted. The transmitter user is capable of:
- Carrying out a structured collection of some of the medical data items (history, diagnosis, acts, prescription drugs) collected in the consultation
- Filtering according to the kind of data and also depending on the patient (choice of patients affected by application).
- Transmitting these files via e-mail to the target facility.
The Maidis offer includes the following services:

MAIDIS offers to its medical software users a catalogue of training courses that allow them to have better control of the software and to improve their daily work comfort.
We answer your technical emergencies by phone, you have a direct line with our teams.
User's Community
By joining the MAIDIS User's Community, our customers benefit from a closer relationship to exchange information about the use of our software.
Project Managment
The project management teams manage the details of a multi-site technology deployment on a large scale.
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Customized medical record

Strong tools integrations

Data export/import

Interfiles synchronization

Communication between town and hospitals/clinics

Data structuration

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